Workshops & Resources
Returning in 2024 with new locations:
Powering Up! Generator Safety & Maintenance Essentials Workshop Series
After the successful 2023 ‘Art of Generator Maintenance’ workshops held in Waco, El Paso, Beaumont, and Lubbock and continued interest, the Texas Source Water Protection Program is continuing generator focused workshops in 2024! With a heightened focus on safety, the 2024 series, ‘Powering Up: Generator Safety & Maintenance’ will consist of 3 workshops in:
Corpus Christi
San Angelo
The Texas Source Water Protection Program invites you to register for, and attend one of the FREE sessions in person for an opportunity to earn continuing education credit to:
Discuss an overview of generator maintenance
Review emergency operations and safety protocol
Participate in a hands-on field demonstration with a generator
Please use the registration links within the flyer or on this webpage to register. Seats are limited. If you are unable to attend in person, below is a recording of one of the 2023 sessions.
New in 2024:
Securing Every Drop: Cybersecurity Essentials for the Water Sector
Waco - May 17th, 2024 from 10 AM - 12 PM
The Texas Source Water Protection Program invites you to register to attend this free workshop and Continuing Education Credit opportunity to learn about the significance of cybersecurity within the water sector, understand how the online environment is changing, and apply basic principles within your utility.
Seats are limited. This event will be recorded for those who can not attend in person. For any questions, please contact Kayla Burnett at
Source Water Protection Resources
Source Water Assessment & Protection Viewer
The Source Water Assessment & Protection Viewer is designed to allow the public to view the spatial datasets used and created during the source water susceptibility assessment process. More than 6,000 Public Water Systems are the primary audience. PWS will use the Viewer to identify and validate potential sources of contamination that are found within their source water protection areas. Agency staff, consultants, and the general public constitute the secondary audience. The Viewer enables internal and external customers to view PWS wells and intakes along with the PSOC and contributing zones used for source water assessments. It allows users to perform multiple functions, such as 1) Access to PWS source assessment information; 2) View and print maps of source water protection areas and associated PSOC; and 3) Obtain more details about the selected public water source
Groundwater Foundation
This nonprofit organization focuses on educating and motivating people to care for and about groundwater.
Source Water Collaborative
Fifteen national organizations united to help protect America’s drinking water at the source. The Collaborative combines the strengths and tools of federal, state, and local partners to offer information and guidance in protecting our nation’s drinking water.
WaterSense for Kids
The EPA’s page of links for educational resources to teach children more about their drinking water and how to keep it safe.
Protect Your Water Source Brochure (GI-604) Optimized for Printing
Protect Your Water Source Brochure (GI-604) Optimized for Screen-Reader
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
The EPA’s Office of Groundwater and Drinking Water, together with states, tribes, and its many partners, protects public health by ensuring safe drinking water and protecting groundwater. This office, along with EPA’s 10 regional drinking water programs, oversees the implementation of the Safe Drinking Water Act, which is the national law safeguarding tap water in America.
Safe Drinking Water Act
This federal law is the main legislation that protects the quality of our drinking water. The EPA sets standards for drinking water quality and oversees the states, localities, and water suppliers who implement those standards.
EPA’s Information on Texas Drinking Water
This page contains consumer confidence reports for Texas drinking water as well as links to identifying the source of your drinking water and Texas’ groundwater quality.
TCEQ Source Water Protection Website
Examples of Pollution Protection Plans
Annotated Bibliography of Source Water Materials from EPA
National Menu of BMPs from EPA
Education and Outreach Resources
Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) (EPA)
Per- and Polyfluorinated Substances (PFAS) Factsheet (CDC)
Getting in Step: A Guide for Conducting Watershed Outreach Campaigns (EPA)
Menu of BMPs: Developing a Used Oil Recycling Program (EPA)
Pollution Prevention Fact Sheets: Illegal Dumping Control (Stormwater Manager’s Resource Center)
Menu of BMPs: Illegal Dumping Control (EPA)
Texas Illegal Dumping Resource Center
The Wastewater Information System Tool (TWIST)(EPA)
Pollution Prevention Fact Sheets: Septic System Controls (Stormwater Manager’s Resource Center)
Menu of BMPs: Sewage from Recreational Activities (EPA)
Environmental Best Management Practices for Small Businesses: Marinas (Small Business Environmental)
Marina’s Chapter Fact Sheet (EPA)
Menu of BMPs: Community Hotlines (EPA)
Menu of BMPs: Stormwater-Related Activities (EPA):
Includes information on implementing volunteer programs, including: Adopt-a-Stream, Reforestation, Storm Drain Marking, Stream Clean-up and Monitoring, and Wetland Restoration